Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

Annie's Song

Annie's Song
You fill up my senses like a night in a forest
Like the mountains in springtime like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in the desert like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses come fill me again

Come let me love you let me give my life to you
Let me drown in your laughter let me die in your arms
Let me lay down beside you let me always be with you
Come let me love you come love me again
[ strings ]
Let me give my life to you come let me love you come love me again
You fill up my senses...


Human Resources Manager
PT. PLN Cucuk Cabut
Jl. No. Menel Kingdom. 69th
North Lampung

Dear Sirs,
In accordance with a job offer from PT. PLN Cucuk Cabut, as contained in Kompas dated December 7, 2012. I volunteered to join the team PT. PLN Cucuk Cabut as Manager of Engineering.
My short data, as shown below.

Name                                   : Ahmad Lifani
Place and date. Born             : Sumberejo, January 7, 1994
End of Education                  : Bachelor of Engineering, University of Lampung
                                              (Concentration SEE (System Energy Electric))
Address                                : Talangpadang, kab. Tanggamus, Lampung
Telephone, mobile, e-mail      : -, 0857 6909 5305, your.special_one @ yahoo.co.id
Marital Status                        : Not Married

I have a very good health condition, and can speak English both orally and in writing. My educational background is very satisfying and the capacity of electricity. I have been accustomed to working with a computer. Mainly operate MS Office package applications, such as Excel, Word, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook, as well as the Internet, as well as correspondence in English, and operates a variety of equipment - high voltage electrical equipment, which is used in PT.PLN.
For your consideration, I attach :

Curriculum Vitae.
Photocopy of diploma S-1 and transcripts.
Photocopy of certificate courses / training.
Recent photograph.

I hope Mr / Ms willing to take the time to give an interview, so I can explain in more detail about my own potential.
Similarly, cover letter, and thank you for your attention Mr / Mrs.

Yours sincerely,

Ahmad Lifani

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Basics of Wireless Network

Basics of Wireless Network

The first commercially available radio ang telephone system, knows as the Improved Mobile Telephone Service ( IMTS ), was put into service in 1946. In order to use IMTS, a tall transmitter tower was erected near  the center  of a metropolitan area. Given these constrictions, the number of channels available did not come close to satisfying the demand.
The solution to this problem was cellular radio. Metropolitan areas were divided into cells of no more than a few miles in diameter, each cell operating on a set of frequencies ( sending ang receiving ) that divered from the frequencies of the adjacent cells.
The first is their controlled handoff. Second, systems were designed to locate particular subscribers by paging them in each of the cells.
The initial transmission technology used between the vehicle and the cell site was analog in nature and known as Advanced Mobile Phone System ( AMPS ). The analog scheme used was called frequency – division multiple access ( FDMA ).
 Communications between the cell site and the switch utilize transmission media such as microwave, copper pairs, and fiber optics.
The continuing growth of cellular  communications led government and industry in the United States to search for additional ways to satisfy the obvious need not only for ordinary telephone service but also for special services and features, smaller  telephones, and  cellular phone us.
Additional frequency bands were allocated for their use, rather than assign them to the first comers or by way of a lottery the Federal Communication ( FCC ) [1] auctioned them off throught a sophisticated bidding contest that brought the U.S Treasury billions of dollars.

Curikullum Vitae

Curikullum Vitae

Personal Information

Nama                                    : Ahmad Lifani
Adderss (es)                          : Sukarame, Kec. Talangpadang Kab. Tanggamus, Lampung
Tel. No                                  : 085769095305
Email                                     : Your.special_one@yahoo.co.id
Date of Birth                          : 07 Januari 1994
Sex                                        : Male

Education Araining

2012                     University of Lampung of Electrical Engineering
2009 – 2012         SMAN 1 Talangpadang, Tanggamus
2006 – 2009         SMPN 1 Talangpadang, Tanggamus
2000 – 2006         SDN 1 Banding Agung, Tanggamus
1999 – 2000         TK Aisyah Banjar Wangi, Tanggamus

Working Experience (r)

After pass the study at SMAN 1 Talangpadang I work at WARNET Keme – keme, for  two month with salary Rp. 50.000/week.

Organitation Experiencem(s)

1 years take hold of chairman of Bela Negara in OSIS

Archiment (s)

2nd Basket ball competition region Tanggamus,

Interest (s)

I’m interested to Enterpriner.